About the Center CPA&G
The Center was founded in 1994 as part of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade (TMF), as the Center for Pulp, Paper, Packaging and Graphics (CPA&G Center). The members of the CPA&G Center are all paper and cardboard factories from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as individual companies from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Finland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the USA, etc., which produce supporting equipment. , raw materials, or are leaders in the field of paper and cardboard production technology, packaging and services in the field of graphics, the field of energy, automatic control, energy saving, environmental protection, etc.

Faculty of Technology and Mettalurgy
Activities of the CPA&G Center
In the past thirty years, the CPA&G Center has grown into a regional center of this industry. In addition to Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia rely on it. The content of the work is reflected in the following:
- Cooperation with institutes from Finland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia;
- Cooperation with international scientific institutions on projects in the field of water, chemical products, energy and ecology;
- Creation of projects, expertise, valuation of factories and management of various reconstructions in factories in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, etc.
- Organizing a symposium, international in nature, in the field of pulp, paper, packaging and graphics, together with the Department of Graphic Engineering at TMF.
- Professional training of personnel in this industry;
- Cooperation on projects with the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Water and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia;
- Training of highly educated personnel for this industry and innovation of knowledge of industry experts;
- Publication of collections of works, special issues of selected scientific and professional journals, books, materials for studies and technical practice;
- Connecting this industry with competent government institutions, and in connection with the achievement of strategic goals in the field of raw materials – waste paper, energy and ecology;
- The introduction of new technologies in this industry with the aim of competitiveness and more rational operation of factories.
25th International CPA&G Industry Symposium
June, 10th – 12th 2024
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Terazije 23, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

- Faculty of Technology and Mettalurgy Кarnegijeva 4 11 000 Belgrade Serbia
- + 381 60 399 8 777
- m.krsikapa@gmail.com