Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade

About the Center CPA&G

Faculty of Technology and Mettalurgy

The role and importance of the CPAG Industry Center

The Center was founded in 1994 as part of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade (TMF), as the Center for Pulp, Paper, Packaging and Graphics (CPA&G Center). The members of the CPA&G Center are all paper and cardboard factories from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as individual companies from Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Finland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the USA, etc., which produce supporting equipment. , raw materials, or are leaders in the field of paper and cardboard production technology, packaging and services in the field of graphics, the field of energy, automatic control, energy saving, environmental protection, etc.

U bivšoj državi, SFRJ, postojao je Institut za celulozu i papir u Ljubljani (Slovenija), kao naučno – istraživačka institucija za ovu industriju. Raspadom SFRJ i formiranjem SRJ nametnulo se kao nužno formiranje naučno-istraživačke institucije za ovu industrijsku granu.

Osnovni ciljevi pri osnivanju Centra su bili sledeći:

  • inclusion of all factories of this industrial branch in this scientific and educational institution through their membership;
  • joint work on professional and scientific training, as well as development and improvement of technology in each of the members;
  • harmonization of development programs at the state and regional level, research in the field of raw materials, energy and ecology;
  • formation of a central laboratory at TMF and those located in individual factories;
  • creation of projects, reports, and tests at the state level and for individual factories;
  • connecting scientific institutes, chambers of commerce and competent ministries with the economy in order to improve the economic environment for more successful business;
  • training of staff with appropriate profiles for this industry; holding symposiums, conferences and seminars; connection with international scientific institutions and work on research projects; provision of foreign scientific literature for this industrial branch.

The CPA&G Center, in cooperation with the economy and the Chambers of Commerce of Serbia and Belgrade and the competent ministries of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, works on projects, studies, feasibility studies in this area and in the area of energy saving and tries to be a link between the economy and state institutions.

Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy

Members of the extended Board of Directors of the CPA&G Center:

Prof. Petar Uskoković, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade
Prof. Đorđe Janaćković, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade,
Prof. Milorad Krgović, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade,
Prof. Slobodan Jovanović, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade
Prof. Srećko Nikolić, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade
Prof. Predrag Živković, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade
Prof. Milan Bebić, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade
Prof. Goran Jankes, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade
Dir. Miloš Ljušić, Kappa Star Group, Belgrade
Dir. Milan Marković, Smurfit Kappa Belgrade, Belgrade
Dir. Đurđa Radivojević Čugurović, Smurfit Kappa Avala Ada, Belgrade
Nataša Govedarica, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Belgrade
Dir. Mijodrag Milojević, Kappa Star Group, Belgrade
Mirko Stanić, NATRON – HAYAT, Maglaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Faculty of Technology and Mettalurgy

Activities of the CPA&G Center

In the past thirty years, the CPA&G Center has grown into a regional center of this industry. In addition to Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia rely on it. The content of the work is reflected in the following:

  • Cooperation with institutes from Finland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia;
  • Cooperation with international scientific institutions on projects in the field of water, chemical products, energy and ecology;
  • Creation of projects, expertise, valuation of factories and management of various reconstructions in factories in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, etc.
  • Organizing a symposium, international in nature, in the field of pulp, paper, packaging and graphics, together with the Department of Graphic Engineering at TMF.
  • Professional training of personnel in this industry;
  • Cooperation on projects with the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia;
  • Training of highly educated personnel for this industry and innovation of knowledge of industry experts;
  • Publication of collections of works, special issues of selected scientific and professional journals, books, materials for studies and technical practice;
  • Connecting this industry with competent government institutions, and in connection with the achievement of strategic goals in the field of raw materials – waste paper, energy and ecology;
  • The introduction of new technologies in this industry with the aim of competitiveness and more rational operation of factories.

Prof. Dr. Milorad Krgović, B.Sc. Eng.

Coordinator of the center

Marina Kršikapa, B.Sc. ecc.

Secretary of the center


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